Sunday, August 8, 2010

This one is dedicated to the babies.

I've been figuring out a way to not feel so oddman out with my friends and acquaintances these days, for everywhere I look new adorable, breathtaking babies are being born....
 leaving me out here wondering... of course,

What is wrong with me?

Countless conversations take place... when are you going to have a baby? How old are you? Don't you want them? You will regret it when you are 45 (actual quote from yesterday).

On and on...

I used to feel a bit bad... used to feel a bit bothered.

But, now I think let me celebrate these beautiful babies.

So, this is for my many friends and friends of friends who have had babies recently or long ago. I am with you on the baby wagon...just in a slightly different fashion.

Your baby is...

soft and
and smells like.. well, baby.

Your baby  has...
your eyes,
or your smile
maybe your hair.

Your baby makes
you beyond happy
and feel beyond proud,
perhaps a bit crazed at times, too.

Your baby will say
and dada
and no
and booboo
in the cutest of ways
(I have seen it, I know)

Your baby will grow
quickly (too quickly almost)
and will amaze you
along the way
of this I am sure.

Your baby is
your everything
your sunrise
and sunset.

Your baby is this and
most likely
way more.

My baby is...

and smells like

My baby has...
my thoughts,
my ideas,
my words.

My baby makes

me beyond happy
and feel beyond proud,
perhaps a bit crazed at times, too.

My baby will say
lots of
that your babies say.

My baby will
and change again
and hopefully grow
and be successful.

My baby
for now
is my everything
my sunrise
and sunset.

Here's the thing though- the bottomline-- the idea that triggered it all
and allowed me to feel okay...

Your babies and your hopes and dreams for them is what created my baby.

My baby came from your babies, and
for this I thank you, friends.

You know who you are .... and I am with you all the way. I may not look like you (with the bellies and such), but I love, support and celebrate you. x
My best



  1. Jenny,
    it is.. isn't it? hard to feel the same when you are so not the same... all is just as it is meant to be though. :) x
