Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jenny etc... in the name department.

Last week in my pursuit to promote this little book I wrote, an article was written and posted about me and it in the local paper. The article was perfectly lovely, and it had all the correct quotes with all the sweetest comments. However, what it didn't have was my correct name. In fact, my name was listed as Jenny Martin.

Of course, I was teased. Of course, I was teased some more. Of course, I was teased PERIOD. And, I held it together and laughed it off and tried to find the exact words to examine it all and explain it ( I know I have a plentiful of ands here).

I wasn't sure what exactly was bugging me about it all ( I mean besides the obvious) and then a funny text was sent by my friend. It said," I thought you got married again?!"


And then I knew what I have always known ... that somehow I have made a mess of my life or at the very least... my names.
You see,
I was born with Jenny Ramirez
in my early twenties, I became Jenny Bingley
that was short- lived
 then, in my late twenties, I became Jenny Hart
and, just recently, after all I've gone through, I am now
 Jenny Ramirez Hart. (not Jenny Martin)

I just don't know how to feel about this all, for it is all for me a bit embarrassing. A bit painful and honestly a bit sad.

But, in the end, what can I do about it really? What can I change about the decisions I've made? What time machine exists?

Clearly, there is nothing I can do, there is nothing I can change and there is most certainly no time machine to climb in and escape away.

I can do nothing but feel okay about it all I suppose--hope to feel at peace with it even if I could someday because it's what I've done, what I have been through and what has made me the person I am today.

 So call me Jenny Ramirez  or Jenny Hart or Jenny Ramirez Hart, Jenny Martin even... all I know is that I am Jenny etc in the name department.. and there is nothing I can do about it... not one thing.

I suppose this is one more reason why I wrote this book for the little Annabelles in the world...who hopefully will be wise in all their years (young and old) and who may always know the right decisions to make and the right actions to take... all the wise and right moves to make.


Here is the link to said article...(name has been corrected btw)

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