Friday, May 10, 2013

Over Dinner

My last post had everything to do with age.

I mentioned before how I have been questioning how time can possibly seem to fly by so very quickly when I still feel like I am in my prime ready to conquer the world.
Seriously, I feel this way.

Something about my age and my innate desire to still conquer the realm of creative goals I would like to achieve triggered this thought...better yet- this fear.

So... I proposed this question over dinner (a lovely and lively dinner actually) to a table consisting of my husband, my close friend and her boyfriend of many years who, of course, now I consider my friend as well. I chose to propose this question to them knowing that all three would be (even to the my disappointment) succinctly honest.

After a pause and appropriate toast to my first photography sales event, to my friend's soon-to-be-open (new) Hoboken restaurant, and to my dear friend's birthday, I asked the question.

"Is it too late for me to be attempting this new venture at my age? You know, for me to sincerely wish to sell these photographs, these books and hope for true success?"
I held my breath. I remember looking at each in the face (seemed like forever) carefully observing facial expressions when to my relief one answered.

What was the answer??????

"No, Jenny. It is not too late. I opened my (dream) business at the same age..." and from here I cannot exactly quote cause I was sincerely too happy processing the NO,
but I can fill in the blanks here.

The person who responded was the same person who found success in opening his dream business and now is working on his second project-the new Hoboken restaurant.

Needless to say, his honest answer was the one I needed to hear. I sorta knew this, but you know how fear is... it always seem to be trying to take over.

And that was my "Over Dinner" climactic moment.
Nothing has changed- my plan is to continue with my baby Annabelle and, in the process, share my photography in various forms... many various forms...even in a book form actually. Yes, book form.

Happy Me then-


  1. No, it's never too late. I opened The Cherry Hat after teaching 24 years, raising a family of three and becoming a grandmother of 6...a second act senior citizen fulfilling a dream and doing creative work I love!

    1. Yes, I LOVE your story... and I am so glad we crossed paths... I keep you in mind as I trek along!

