So, today was the first day I was free from my typical obligations regarding my Master's which meant many, many things.
It meant I could slowly browse through my emails without feeling guilt
and I could sip my coffee while staring into space...
and stretch for as long as I wanted.
You know, do pretty much anything I desired because because
I didn't have THAT work looming over my head!
And.... the feeling was and is great!
Perfect timing I feel because I could actually focus on my 2010 accomplishment...Annabelle's Love.
Yes! Yes! TODAY I caught up on some paperwork and prepared for my visit to the library tonight to share Annabelle and her message. Yes, today I was finally working for Annabelle!
What lovely work it was... I found myself tracing and cutting hearts. I created my own "What I love about ME" heart (a project the children will also do tonight after my reading)... and,
in the process reminded myself, what I love about myself! (BIG SMILE here) which ranged from silly small things like these chubby cheeks on my face because my mom has them too and her mom had them before her and now my new nephew has them and well, I can go on....
But, I also listed some bigger things- like my writing and my love of photography and my heart ...
In short!, while I was working for Annabelle, I was working a bit on me as well. It was quite a simple thing to do.."this listing things I love about myself project"... but also very much rewarding
So, in the end, I guess what I am saying today to you in this very long-awaited blog is go out and try it. Try listing your personal loves today, tonight, tomorrow but soon!
You may find that you will walk away smiling and feeling all sorts of accomplished and impressed with yourself... and that is way better than anything... you know, finding out that you are quite talented, and quite lovable, and quite fantastic at times? great feeling.
So, try it.
You will see.
It works.
Trust me
and trust in Annabelle's message:
Your own true love sits right inside your very own self. It has always been there, this true love, and always will be.
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