This is it. This is how my morning has turned out so far.
Some words.
I have written some words on two different topics this week and received some sweet recognition from friends, family and even some strangers.
Some pennies.
These words have helped me to earn some serious money.
In fact, yesterday alone I earned
(wait, I'm checking my records to be correct) $2. 22!
I know! I know! Insane amounts of money.
Some changes.
This morning I received the SECOND layout of my book to be approved.
I'm happy with some of the changes.
And frustrated with the lack of others.
Either way I expressed my concerns with bold print in some areas again.
What's left?
Well, here is what's left.
These some words have blessed me with some pennies.
Pennies I am proud of to be honest because I know for the second time in my life (first time being when I walked into the classroom as a teacher/not a student)
that I am doing something I have found to love e n t i r e l y----write.
And, what I need to remember time and time again is that writing..... will always involve
Some changes.
So, there. That's it. My thoughts for today in my Search for the Right Words.
All my best as always-
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