This is certainly the Summer of New. New location, new air to breathe, new experiences to share, new people to promises.
I have spent my days decompressing, adjusting and relishing in the nothing and yet the everything. It has been quite lovely...quite new.
All of this new "ness" has fostered such a sweet and sincere sense of happiness and content in my heart, and I feel the like the luckiest gal on earth.
I have wondered in the midst of all this bliss...will there be something to write about? Something to say? Or will I sound all mushy and ....mushy?
And my answer is... well, it's ...What's wrong with mushy? Of course, I will be able to write. In fact, I have two book ideas in mind...One has been started and the other will be formed into words very soon. I have these two ideas and at least one solid plan;)
What can be better than this?
N o t a s i n g l e t h i n g.
That's why it is the summer of new. Summer of new faces, new experiences, new words, new ideas, new plans and new promises.
Jenny R.
Sweet Summer Bliss. x