When I look back at old journal entries, blogs, writing pieces, pictures or other, I am often reminded of how my life felt incomplete...how I felt incomplete. Incomplete...not having everything.
I remember distinctly filling that void with other. Regrettably, some of the other I cannot change now. Some of that other I cannot forget or forgive still it seems.
Somehow, somehow, somehow...
despite the void and the wrong decisions, I took on a dream and made it come true.
"Annabelle's Love" was this dream.
My life feels complete, I feel complete...I have everything. My idea of everything...
And guess what?
The empty has been filled by love I could have never imagined
and the dream has been fulfilled by me...and still I feel that even with having everything, I can still have more...so much more.
Because although I cannot change my past decisions and actions, I know I can change my future...make other dreams come true...many other dreams.
And this time my future actions and dreams won't be accomplished to fill a void. But accomplished to only add more happiness and pride to my idea of having everything... love, E. and health.
I'm ready and set...truly happy at last!