Hey, everybody!
It has been three weeks today to be exact. Three weeks since this amazing, tiring, fulfilling and scary new chapter in my life started. And, it has been exactly that...amazing, tiring, fulfilling, scary and more more...!
My life now can be measured by 10 minute intervals...for those experienced in this area, you know the how and the why it is measured in matters of 10.
I have 10 minutes to do the left and then the right and to squeeze in a shower and to check emails, pay bills, have a conversation, look in the mirror, admire E, admire E, admire E.
I wouldn't change this new life for a second..not one second. I just am in awe at how I often I wonder and ponder on this single thought... "how I am going to do it all now?"
For example, I am excited to announce that Annabelle and I have been invited to attend " A Night with Local Authors" at a cute little book store in Larchmount, New York called The Voracious Reader on Friday, December 9th (see link below) and all I wonder about is ..." Well, can I bring E? How will I manage with E?" ...basically, "How does this all work now with E?"
And this is how it is now. I am a new me with a my new E. But, I still have so much of the old me focused on Annabelle and her message and all the goals I have for Annabelle... none that have been forgotten but perhaps delayed a bit. You see what I mean? How do I do all of this now?
I guess in the end, I will figure THIS all out... although I fear that some people or things may be set aside in order for me to do it all. (sad face here)
My goal then is to combine the new me with my new E and, of course, the old me without losing too many friends or other and that should be brilliant... but we will see. We will see.
Guess what? My 10 minutes are up now... so I am off to enjoy the newness of E and me. Like I said... wouldn't change it for the world.
Cheers then.
Much Love,
p.s. I will be sure to have more details about NY visit soon.