Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 has been..

A good year. But, somehow I knew it would be. I am not sure what told me so, but I certainly knew deep down that 2010 was it....the it year I suppose.

It started off with some peace ...but as peace would have it, it had to go. Some uneasy turmoil came strolling along and literally camped out in my heart...

To all of you reading... well,  this is how and when Annabelle came to be. It seems all the uneasiness and fear had some words to set forth...some inner dialogue dying to be told. And it did... it was told and that whole experience was lovely and incredible-truly incredible. And that whole experience-- the Annabelle coming to homes everywhere is not over. I know this.

But, 2010 didn't end there. I told you it was the year. After Annabelle, came some more...lots more and now here I stand again.
I am happy but scared.
Proud but worried.
Hopeful but doubtful.

And, I wonder how can this be?
Well, it can. And it is. period.

So, with the closing of my year, 2010, comes now 2011... and, to be honest... to be very honest... I am not ready to let go yet of 2010.

Let me just say then, 2010, thank you. Thank you for being such a year. I will not forget you ever...
Jenny RH
December 31, 2010.
Time: 11:50 PM

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A cup of coffee, a sandwich, and my love.

I heard these words the other day, and I thought it was sweet and perfect for this month of December when love and hope and comfort food is in the air.... Images of steaming cups of coffee and warm toasty sandwiches and, of course, some unconditional love gather around the fireplace (my imaginary fireplace cause I don't have one ;)...)...

Do you see these images as well?

It seems I do.

Hence, the reason why I chose to use these words as my title.
 In my search for the right this forever long-life search of finding the right words... they seemed to fit somehow.

I suppose because it seems appropriate for how I am feeling these early days of December. To tell you the truth, I am mostly feeling all sorts of swamped with work coming from all directions in my life (book, masters, teaching, family, friends, house, ) but ......but somehow despite all the stress...

comfort and love and lots of hope keep me smiling and feeling all sorts of mushy mushy as well.

Yesterday, I attended an open house at a pre-school in hopes of introducing Annabelle's Love to some new children.. and this I did and I gotta say I felt happy.... truly happy in this world. Sometimes, I forget this feeling of ... I wrote and published a book that I hope many little girls will read and love and ask for at night... I wrote a book for little girls that I hope will sit on their nightstands or on their bookshelves...that I hope to sign and dedicate just to them so that they will always have and keep it ...

Sometimes, when the stress and work seem too much, I forget this feeling. Yesterday, it all came back to me, and I am very glad it did.
You see, what I am trying to say in awful awful ways at the moment.. is that yesterday was a great reminder of why I wrote this book. This visit to this school gave me the umpteenth boost to keep going and going. Because the best part of this book is actually sharing it with the children... the most fun really....

So, thank you Jen W. for the invite... thank you to all who supported Annabelle's Love yesterday and thank you, my title, for deeming yourself appropriate for this blog.

The title, yesterday's experience, and my hope are the perfect words for how I am feeling today.

So, on that final note...
here's my cup of coffee, my sandwich, and my love to you all... May they all conjure up some December images for you that are comforting, warm, loving and hopeful as well.
Jenny RH